I got a lot of really good pictures and videos. We went to the beach a little bit everyday. We went to the outlet mall in Foley. Bryan and I were able to meet some friends that were also down there for dinner one night. I kicked butt in three rounds of "Taboo" one night. Bryan and I cooked dinner one night and Maggie and Grayson cooked another night. It was just a great week of fun, family, sun, and relaxation!!!
By the way, I know I haven't updated in quite a while. That's because my laptop is no longer responding to me. I don't really know what is wrong with it. So, at this point, we have no computer at home. I am actually at my parents' right now on my dad's laptop.
Kinley is doing so much these days! She is 9-months-old...almost 10 months. She crawls all over the place. She pulls herself up to standing. She eats some "big girl" food. She is about to move up into a new class at daycare, which I think is a little more scary for mommy than her. She gabs and makes all sorts of noises and funny faces. She imitates everything we do. She seems so smart to me. Her hair is really starting to grow...I can actually put a bow in her own hair now! She is so, so fun! I love every minute I spend with her.
Also, I want to say a very belated "Congratulations" to my best friend, Amanda, and her new hubby, Aaron. They got married on July 24th so they have been married for 1 month and 2 days now! I was so honored to be a part of their big day. It was beautiful, Manda, and so were you!!! Unfortunately, they moved to Fayetteville, so I miss her, but I'm holding out hope that they will be back in central Arkansas in a year or two.
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