I have created a new blog to be more about our whole family and all that we do and love...
Please follow us to:
We can't wait to see you there!
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Beth's Baby Shower
Well, my good friend, Beth, at work is pregnant. She is due to have baby Huck on December 6th, but I won't be surprised if he decides to come earlier. We had a baby shower for her at work yesterday and she got a lot of really cute stuff!
Her nursery is navy, red, and khaki, and the theme is vintage baseball. I ordered her cake from a lady that I always use for cakes. They are always delicious and beautifully decorated!
Thank you to everyone at Arkansas Surgical Hospital who helped make Beth's shower awesome! Many people helped in various ways and I appreciate everything that everyone did to make this day special for Beth.
Now here are a few pics...
Her nursery is navy, red, and khaki, and the theme is vintage baseball. I ordered her cake from a lady that I always use for cakes. They are always delicious and beautifully decorated!
Thank you to everyone at Arkansas Surgical Hospital who helped make Beth's shower awesome! Many people helped in various ways and I appreciate everything that everyone did to make this day special for Beth.
Now here are a few pics...
Thinking of making a change...
Well, here I go...day 1 of trying to do better with my blog. I have neglected it quite a bit over the past year or so. I hate that I haven't kept it as up to date as I wanted to. But thanks to my wonderful friend, AMANDA, I realized that there are people whom I love that I don't necessarily get to see or talk to all the time, but I would love for them to stay up-to-date with what's going on in our lives and how much Kinley changes every day!
When I first started this blog, Kinley was the only thing on my mind! While she is still very much the main thing on my mind, I have come to realize that there is so much more to our lives as a family. And I pray and hope that one day there will be more additions to our family. We grow and change everyday, both together and separately, and I'm thinking about creating a new blog (that I would link to this one...) that would be more about us all as a family. My dilemma is a name. If you have any suggestions for what our new and improved "family blog" could be called, please let me know.
When I first started this blog, Kinley was the only thing on my mind! While she is still very much the main thing on my mind, I have come to realize that there is so much more to our lives as a family. And I pray and hope that one day there will be more additions to our family. We grow and change everyday, both together and separately, and I'm thinking about creating a new blog (that I would link to this one...) that would be more about us all as a family. My dilemma is a name. If you have any suggestions for what our new and improved "family blog" could be called, please let me know.
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Try to do better!
This is my first time to try to post from my iPhone. I want to see how it does because starting today, I am going to try to update my blog more regularly. I have neglected it a lot over the past year or so. More to come...
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
I know its been a long time...
Let's start with a few pics:
I haven't posted anything in quite a long time!!! We no longer have a home computer that works or internet. I occassionally borrow my dad's laptop and that is what I am using right now. I really do wish I had kept this blog updated better, but I will try my best to at least make periodic posts of the lastest Floyd Family News...
Kinley is growing and changing everyday! I can't believe how much she is talking these days. She says so many things. Here are a few examples:
"I want cheerios."
"I love shoes." (at Target in the shoe isle last week )
"Don't touch it." (She says this a lot when she lays her washcloth over the edge of the bathtub)
"I wanna sit."
"I love you." (MY FAVORITE!!!)
"Its OK, Carter." (She says this to our friends' baby)
"Hush, Susi!" (She calls our dog (Lucy) Susi)
She can tell you many of her body parts: eyes, nose, mouth, teeth, cheek, tongue, ears, hair, neck, arms, legs, hands, feet, and tummy.
She doesn't just walk now, she RUNS!!! And she can run fast! She is hilarious. She is also not afraid of water at all. If it was up to her, she would walk straight into the pool without anything. It doesn't even bother her when her face goes under the water. She is my little tadpole.
Bryan taught her to give "hug with arms." For awhile now, if you ask for a hug, she just lays her head on you and says, "awww." Now you can ask for a "hug with arms" and she'll wrap her arms around your neck and give you a hug. Its the sweetest thing ever!
I'm sure there's more new things but I'm going to go for now. I have an unexpected day off today so I need to get some things done around the house.
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Fall '09
I will try to make some more updates soon, but here are a few pictures from the past few weeks:
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Swine Flu...FYI
This post is just something I thought some people might find helpful or interesting. There's a lot of info/rumors going around about the swine flu.
Here is a really good website: www.truthaboutflu.com. There are also masks that are available for purchase through this website and you can use this code: GCPVLY. Using the code will give you 25% off the purchase of masks.
Here is a really good website: www.truthaboutflu.com. There are also masks that are available for purchase through this website and you can use this code: GCPVLY. Using the code will give you 25% off the purchase of masks.
The Beach!!!!
Last week we got to take Kinley on her first vacation (which was also her first time to the beach)! My mom and dad took us, along with my brother and his girlfriend, Maggie. We went to Gulf Shores, and stayed in a beautiful condo right on the beach. It was a great vacation!!! Thank you, Mom & Dad!!!!
I got a lot of really good pictures and videos. We went to the beach a little bit everyday. We went to the outlet mall in Foley. Bryan and I were able to meet some friends that were also down there for dinner one night. I kicked butt in three rounds of "Taboo" one night. Bryan and I cooked dinner one night and Maggie and Grayson cooked another night. It was just a great week of fun, family, sun, and relaxation!!!
By the way, I know I haven't updated in quite a while. That's because my laptop is no longer responding to me. I don't really know what is wrong with it. So, at this point, we have no computer at home. I am actually at my parents' right now on my dad's laptop.
Kinley is doing so much these days! She is 9-months-old...almost 10 months. She crawls all over the place. She pulls herself up to standing. She eats some "big girl" food. She is about to move up into a new class at daycare, which I think is a little more scary for mommy than her. She gabs and makes all sorts of noises and funny faces. She imitates everything we do. She seems so smart to me. Her hair is really starting to grow...I can actually put a bow in her own hair now! She is so, so fun! I love every minute I spend with her.
Also, I want to say a very belated "Congratulations" to my best friend, Amanda, and her new hubby, Aaron. They got married on July 24th so they have been married for 1 month and 2 days now! I was so honored to be a part of their big day. It was beautiful, Manda, and so were you!!! Unfortunately, they moved to Fayetteville, so I miss her, but I'm holding out hope that they will be back in central Arkansas in a year or two.
Kinley in her pack 'n' play on the balcony the day we got there
Down on the beach the first night
In her sun tent
Trying to show her the water
Sitting at the edge of the water...she starting crying right after this picture
Asleep in her sun tent on the beach
Enjoying some green beans...her favorite!
Out on the beach on our last full day
I got a lot of really good pictures and videos. We went to the beach a little bit everyday. We went to the outlet mall in Foley. Bryan and I were able to meet some friends that were also down there for dinner one night. I kicked butt in three rounds of "Taboo" one night. Bryan and I cooked dinner one night and Maggie and Grayson cooked another night. It was just a great week of fun, family, sun, and relaxation!!!
By the way, I know I haven't updated in quite a while. That's because my laptop is no longer responding to me. I don't really know what is wrong with it. So, at this point, we have no computer at home. I am actually at my parents' right now on my dad's laptop.
Kinley is doing so much these days! She is 9-months-old...almost 10 months. She crawls all over the place. She pulls herself up to standing. She eats some "big girl" food. She is about to move up into a new class at daycare, which I think is a little more scary for mommy than her. She gabs and makes all sorts of noises and funny faces. She imitates everything we do. She seems so smart to me. Her hair is really starting to grow...I can actually put a bow in her own hair now! She is so, so fun! I love every minute I spend with her.
Also, I want to say a very belated "Congratulations" to my best friend, Amanda, and her new hubby, Aaron. They got married on July 24th so they have been married for 1 month and 2 days now! I was so honored to be a part of their big day. It was beautiful, Manda, and so were you!!! Unfortunately, they moved to Fayetteville, so I miss her, but I'm holding out hope that they will be back in central Arkansas in a year or two.
Monday, July 6, 2009
Kinley is 8-Months-Old
First, I have to start this post by saying THANK YOU to Jeremy for fixing my laptop!!! It works again so I am now able to upload pictures again! Yeah! There will probably be many updates coming in the next couple of weeks as I try to catch up on all that I've missed while my computer was "out of commission."
On Sunday, July 5, Kinley Grace was 8-months-old. I can hardly believe my little baby is growing up so fast. Here are a few things about her right now:

On Sunday, July 5, Kinley Grace was 8-months-old. I can hardly believe my little baby is growing up so fast. Here are a few things about her right now:
- She can sit up by herself.
- She gets up on all fours, but can't quite crawl yet.
- She eats squash, sweet potatoes, green beans, carrots, and applesauce.
- She just started waving "bye-bye" last week, but she only does it if she is the one leaving.
- She smiles and laughs all of the time.
- She is now at her new daycare (which I love!!!)
- She has a new cousin, Caden Ryne Floyd. He was actually born on her 7-month "birthday".
- She "talks" and squeals all of the time.
- She loves her "big girl toys": her car keys and her cell phone. Of course, their not real but she loves them.
Well she is fussing, so I've got to go, but I'll leave you with a few of her 8-month shots.
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