OK, I know I have not been doing a very good job of keeping the blog updated. I promise to try to do better! This post is FULL of new pictures. I can't upload pictures as easily with my laptop being "out of commission" so I don't always get the pictures on here as fast as I'd like to. These pictures are not really in order. I just love them all, though. I had to go to Wal-mart tonight so I could make a picture CD so I could put them on the blog tonight!

Kinley is holding her head up so well during tummy time now and she doesn't cry the whole time! This is earlier today.

This picture is for Manda...she got Kinley this outfit for Christmas and she wore it to dinner at Chili's tonight.

Lili made this bow for Kinley so I just had to take some pictures in it after her bath today

I was in a picture-taking mood today so I've got a lot of different poses of her just hanging out at the house

This is last night...this is the first time I've seen her hold her head up this well when she's laying down...she was in a good mood the whole time

Just a picture of my little monkey

This is Kinley and Daddy on Daddy's birthday!

Kinley and Daddy on Valentine's Day before our family date

Kinley and Mommy on Valentine's Day

I thought Kinley looked absolutely adorable on Valentine's Day...her shirt said "My (heart) belongs to daddy"...she was all decked out in pink and red

Presley is "reading" to Kinley...aren't they cute?

Lili sometimes has her own photo shots with Kinley which I love looking at my camera at the end of the day and seeing new pictures of Kinley

Here is Kinley's 14 weeks pictures...I'm not sure where her 3 month picture is but I did take one

Another cute one Lili took

Kinley was happy while we were in the waiting room when my dad had knee surgery

She loves to "eat" her hands

Sitting in her bumbo

We played in the floor in her room for awhile a couple of Sundays ago...that day she had just started really interacting with toys and pulling them to her mouth.
Kinley seems to grow every day. She is really beginning to fill out. When she was born she was so long and skinny. Not anymore!!! She has cute little thighs with rolls and her belly is always so big right after she eats. She smiles and "talks" all the time now. It really doesn't matter what you say to her. We've started calling the changing table "the magic happy table" because she always smiles and laughs when you lay her on it. Its funny. She's still wearing "0-3" month size clothes which is good because she still has some she hasn't worn yet. I love to dress her up and take pictures of her. She still LOVES baths. For some reason, Kinley seems to love watching TV. We don't put her in front of it intending for her to watch it, but if she catches a glimpse of it she stares at it. Sometimes you can't get her to look away from it.
Right now she is in her swing, squealing and "talking". She is so funny to us. I think she really enjoys hanging out with Presley all day. It gives her something to look at and listen to because Presley is always doing something.
I took her to a wedding shower that I was throwing for a friend at work last Tuesday. Everyone kept saying what a good baby she is. And tonight when we were almost done eating at Chili's, our waiter said that he just wanted to let us know what a well-behaved baby we have! She really is such a good baby. I could spend all day, every day with her!
Well, I better end this because its quickly becoming a very long post.
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