Monday, March 30, 2009

Mommy Tip/Info: Foods to Avoid

I haven't done a "Mommy Tip" in a while...sorry about that. Today's is not going to be long, but it does include a link with most of the information. There are foods that are important to avoid in the first year of your babies life (and longer for some). Some people like to tell you that it won't hurt or that they gave it to their baby, but I have done a lot of research on this topic because it is important to me. I am very adamant about not wanting Kinley to have certain foods for awhile and that when I am ready for her to have those foods, I will be the one to give them to her. As a nurse, I have seen the serious side affects of allergies from things that seemed very innocent. Here is a link ( to a list of things to avoid giving your baby and the reason why. Some of these foods are potential allergens. Some are choking hazards. Some could cause serious illness. Also, it is important when introducing new foods to your baby to only introduce one new food every 3 days to a week. That way you have time to notice any signs of an allergic reaction and you will know what they were caused by. Hopefully, your family and friends will respect your wishes on what you want and don't want your baby to have. If not, just share this information with them and hopefully it will help.

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